Thursday, 10 November 2011 09:00
WearCheck’s world-class team of diagnosticians
WearCheck’s diagnostic team, who between them boast 125 collective years of oil analysis experience, successfully completed their International Council for Machinery & Lubrication (ICML) exams last year, and are now ICML certified for Level II Machinery Lubricant Analysis. This certification is equivalent to category II of the ISO 18436-4 standard…
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Wednesday, 02 November 2011 12:09
Oil analysis prevents equipment failure for Atlantis Mining
Oil analysis by WearCheck Africa proved instrumental in avoiding machine failure on two of Middelburg mining contractor Atlantis Mining’s earthmoving units recently by detecting component wear in time. All of the Middelburg-based mining contractors’ fleet Caterpillar, Komatsu, Hitachi, Volvo and Terex equipment have been on WearCheck’s oil analysis programme for…
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Wednesday, 26 October 2011 08:30
New product: Turbine Oil Analysis
The performance of the oil in a turbine application is vital in many aspects to ensure reliable performance of your turbine. WearCheck's Turbine Oil Analysis kits have been designed to measure the core functions of the oil and give you the ability to monitor the operating condition of the oil…
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Wednesday, 12 October 2011 13:03
Technical Bulletin 52: How do oils degrade
Oils have a finite lifetime – they will eventually degrade and/or become contaminated, and will need to be changed. Lubricants consist of a base stock (mineral or synthetic) and an additive package. As oil works to lubricate a piece of machinery, the additives become depleted and deactivated, which eventually renders the oil…
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Wednesday, 05 October 2011 12:07
The ABC's of oil - part 3
So, we have dealt with the physical and chemical properties of oils and their performance specification but how does the stuff actually work? Depending on which book, manual or learned journal you read, a lubricant can have as many as two dozen functions. These can be reduced to four very…
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Friday, 30 September 2011 07:50
The ABC's of oil - part 2
In part 1 we dealt with the physical properties of oil, we will now discuss the chemicals that are added to the base stock in order for the oil to do its specific job? In other words, if I buy a can of oil, how good is it? The most…
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Thursday, 22 September 2011 10:36
The ABC's of oil
The ABC's of oil by John Evans, Diagnostics Manager, WearCheck. When purchasing a can, drum or tankerful of oil, how can you be sure of what you are buying, where you can use it, and what quality you are getting for your money? On every can of lubricating oil there…
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Tuesday, 20 September 2011 12:58
WearCheck heads to Ghana
Following the huge industry drive into Africa, WearCheck will be attending the 4th West & Central African Mining Summit to be held in Ghana next week. Neil Robinson, Managing Director, and Keith Finlayson, New Business Consultant, will be showcasing WearCheck’s preventative maintenance programme and how it has benefited the mining,…
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Tuesday, 13 September 2011 09:53
WearCheck Monitor issue 60
We are pleased to announce the release of the 60th issue of the WearCheck Monitor - this marks the 20th year that we have been producing these informative and popular newsletters for our customers. The latest issue features eight pages of hot news from WearCheck – brand new cutting-edge laboratory…
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Tuesday, 30 August 2011 14:10
Rugby World Cup fixtures
The Rugby World Cup kicks off in New Zealand in just 10 days! To build up some hype and to get behind the Springboks we have created a Viewing Schedule highlighting all the matches and times so you can keep track of our boys in green 'n gold.Click here to…
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Tuesday, 30 August 2011 13:58
Welcome back
Quinton Verster has rejoined WearCheck as technical consultant, after a three year break. He originally joined WearCheck as a diagnostician in 2003, following a 16-year stint with the KZN Department of Transport in Durban, Greytown and Ladysmith. Starting as an apprentice in 1987, he worked his way up to manager…
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Tuesday, 30 August 2011 13:40
Product pick: Marine Analysis
Oils perform many different jobs on board large sea-going vessels and range from mineral to full synthetic, and gear lubes to hydraulic fluids and highly advanced engine oils. WearCheck undertakes oil analysis for all marine vessels on samples from ship engines, gearboxes and hydraulics. The test profile includes wear metals,…