Thursday, 13 February 2014 12:35

Super 15 viewing schedule

In just 2 days we see the kick-off of the largest and longest rugby tournament in the Southern Hemisphere.WearCheck has made it easy for you to follow your team's progress with a viewing schedule highlighting all the matches and television times. Click here to download
Monday, 20 January 2014 10:58

Technical Bulletin 57: Holistic Diagnosis

A tried and tested method of condition monitoring, oil analysis reveals a wealth of critical information about the health of machinery components, providing invaluable insight into what maintenance action should be taken. For example, the levels of contamination of the oil (or grease) can indicate certain potential wear problems. However,…
Wednesday, 11 December 2013 07:58

Monitor issue 67

How to change degraded oil effectively, a handy lube tip, and the latest developments in efficient plant performance management . . . read all about these stories, and many more, in the December issue of WearCheck’s Monitor newsletter. Other news features the latest on the brand new WearCheck Mozambique laboratory…
Tuesday, 19 November 2013 15:44

WearCheck’s on the ball

A team of fleet-footed footballers from WearCheck entered the first maritime industry friendly soccer tournament in the Western Cape recently, where hundreds of players from a range of marine-based businesses exchanged their workplaces for a football pitch, for the day. During a fun-filled, spirited day, the WearCheck Warriors team won…
Tuesday, 12 November 2013 07:32

And the winner is...

To all the WearCheck customers who took the time to complete our recent survey … thank you!  Through constructive dialogue, we aim to continuously improve and streamline the service which we deliver to you, our customers, making everyone into winners. Each year, as a mark of WearCheck’s gratitude to customers…
Thursday, 10 October 2013 08:53

New regenerated oil project makes every drop count

One of the primary causes of transformer failure is sludge in the oil. Sludge is just one of the oxidation decay by-products, formed when the aging transformer oil oxidises as the hydrocarbons in the oil react with oxygen dissolved in the oil. These decay products attack the solid insulation and…
Tuesday, 03 September 2013 14:01

Monitor Issue 66

WearCheck's latest Monitor newsletter features a wealth of technical tips and other innovations in the condition monitoring world, in particular a discussion on the merits of sulphur testing, and an overview of reliability solutions. Join us as we take a peek at WearCheck’s very first West African laboratory in Ghana,…
Friday, 16 August 2013 08:06

Invitation - come and meet the WearCheck team

WearCheck Africa will be showcasing their condition monitoring services at various exhibitions in both hemispheres in the coming months.  Our team members will be available at the expos to chat about oil analysis, reliability solutions, oil regeneration, wind energy and answer any questions on these issues. Please come and see…
Tuesday, 09 July 2013 14:37

Reliability solutions lead to total plant health

The newest trend among modern day industrial operations is a focus on total plant health through the use of proactive maintenance services, which improves the availability of individual machines and boosts the reliability - and therefore the productivity - of the plant. Key elements of any condition-based monitoring are oil…
Thursday, 20 June 2013 09:04

Well played, WearCheck!

The WearCheck soccer team came out tops in the recent Set Point Soccer Tournament 2013, trumping opposition team Pneumax four goals to zero in a nail-biting final in Johannesburg, and driving the spectators wild. Members of the victorious WearCheck team included staff from greater Gauteng, Steelpoort and Khutala. They were:…
Monday, 27 May 2013 09:38

Technical Bulletin 56: Acids & Bases

Technical Bulletin 56 explores the properties of acids and bases and their influence on lubricants. The importance of assessing acids and bases is discussed, as are the methods of assessment, and the positive and negative effects of acids and bases on industrial and mobile equipment. Using the analogy of ‘Spy vs.…
Monday, 08 April 2013 07:29

Monitor Issue 65

Monitor 65 is filled with stories on important milestones in WearCheck Africa’s world, the burgeoning wind industry, the latest from the international oil analysis scene and useful technical information. Some of articles featured include: yet another WearCheck diagnostician notches up her millionth sample; an in-depth discussion on Total Base Numbers…