Wednesday, 18 October 2023 11:49


Diesel, the importance of its cleanliness and how to maintain the correct chemical composition, will be in the spotlight at the South African Institute of Tribology (SAIT) Fuel Seminar, which takes place on 10 November in Johannesburg.

Two of WearCheck’s fuel specialists will be presenting papers on how to get the best ROI from fuel, which is a major expense in many operations. Running a cost-efficient, lean operation can be achieved by applying these insider tips to ensure that fuel performs as it should, without causing collateral damage as fuel condition deteriorates.

WearCheck diagnostician, Quinton Verster, will talk on the tests available to determine the quality of diesel, with a focus on the  South African National Standard SANS 342, which stipulates the legally allowed sulphur and biodiesel content of automotive diesel fuel, among other qualities. Verster will discuss test methods, instrumentation and actual limits, and the associated hazards of different readings.

Lubrigard manager for WearCheck, Chris Hattingh, will discuss the importance of keeping diesel clean and free from particulate contamination, giving advice on the best methods for fuel storage, dispensing and maintenance. Hattingh runs the company’s LER (lubricant enabled reliability) services which focus on FLAC - fuels, lubricants, air and coolants. In many industries, potential contamination negatively affects performance of fuels, so it is critical to eliminate sources of contamination, and monitor contamination levels constantly.

The seminar takes place at The Manor Executive Guest Lodge in Kempton Park. Booking is essential – please contact Jo-anne at SAIT on telephone (011) 804-3710 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Looking for more information on fuel condition monitoring? WearCheck has published many Technical Bulletins around this topic. You can view them here, for free:


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