At WearCheck, the world-class quality and integrity of our laboratory results have been a major priority for us for the past 40 years – we take our certifications and accreditations very seriously.
In fact, you could say that in our rigorous pursuit of superior service, we wholeheartedly embrace the wise words of Ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
WearCheck’s recognition as leaders in the predictive maintenance field is a source of pride for us, as is the fact that we are currently the only condition monitoring company on the African continent with ISO 9001 quality certification and ISO 14001 certification for our environmental management programme, as well as ISO 17025 accreditation for our laboratory-centric quality management programme. Our next step is ISO 45001 – a health and safety management system – soon to be implemented.
Excellence has long been a habit for WearCheck – we know that our external quality certification assures our customers that their investment in our condition monitoring programmes will yield top quality results.
More than 20 years ago, the ISO 9001 Quality Management System was implemented at WearCheck. It is an internationally recognised certification which ensures the quality of products and services of a company.
WearCheck’s first ISO 14001:2015 certificate for environmental management was awarded in January 2005 after passing the external audit. We firmly believe every company should practise sustainable development to preserve the planet.
WearCheck’s first ISO 17025 certificate of accreditation was awarded in June 2012, underlining our laboratory’s ability to produce precise, accurate test and calibration data such as the traceability of measurements and calibrations to national standards, technical competence of staff and maintenance of test equipment. It is the single most important standard for instrument calibration and testing laboratories around the world.
Our team of 18 committed staff members (all volunteers) undertakes the internal audit process on standards ISO9001:2015, ISO14001:2015 and 17025 by evaluating our effectiveness and efficiency prior to an external audit.
ISO 45001 is next on the WearCheck radar – this centres around our occupational health and safety management system.
Any queries? Please contact quality administrator Prinda Narasi on +27 31 700-5460 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.