Friday, 24 April 2020 08:22

WearCheck offers online training during lockdown

As South Africa and the rest of the world face ongoing lockdown restrictions, business is being forced to reassess how they operate.

With this in mind WearCheck has adapted their Mobius training sessions to be done in the safety of a delegate’s home.

Lead technician for WearCheck, Dennis Swanepoel, believes that upskilling staff during the non-productive hours of lockdown is a positive solution, which does not put staff at any risk of exposure to harmful germs as no travelling or contact is required.

All the Mobius courses that are traditionally offered by WearCheck are now available online, including Vibration Analysis CAT 1, CAT 2, CAT 3, Precision Balancing, Precision Shaft Alignment and Asset Reliability Practitioner courses 1, 2 and 3.

The Mobius training is structured with the option of two course formats:

  1. Self-paced online training: access for six months to the videos and training material, with access to an expert CAT IV instructor to answer specific questions during the six-month period prior to the exam.
  2. Virtual classroom training: live online training sessions for the normal course duration, giving the full advantage of a classroom full of live interaction with other delegates and the instructor (minus the risk of exposure to travel and limited physical interaction in close contact). The assessment is completed online after the course. The dates for these courses are listed below.

Investment in ongoing skills training and knowledge development with WearCheck has been proven time and again to produce excellent returns, enabling companies to reap the rewards through enhanced condition monitoring programmes, reduced maintenance costs and greater asset reliability and longevity.

Group discounts are available, and the training can be tailored to suit a client’s needs, such as if online training cannot be covered over several consecutive days, the training can rather be broken up into sessions and then practical assignments included to make the training more interactive.

Graduates of WearCheck-run reliability solutions Mobius courses earn CPD (continuing professional development) points – this is approved by the South African Institute for Mechanical Engineers (SAIMechE).

WearCheck is currently finalising online training options for these courses: Oil Analysis 1 and 2 and Transformer Oil Analysis, the launch will be announced imminently.

For more information, or to enrol on a WearCheck training course, please contact Dennis Swanepoel on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 082 878 1578.

For detailed course dates, please copy and paste this link into your browser: 2020 Training Schedule

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