Thursday, 19 April 2012 13:33

New troubleshooting toolkit detects problems

A new dimension to WearCheck’s traditional oil analysis service brings relief for customers with troublesome components, through the introduction of a mobile troubleshooting service.

Until recently, customers sent oil samples to WearCheck for analysis and diagnosis.  A normal result meant operations continued uninterrupted.

However, reports indicating abnormal symptoms meant customers had to investigate and fix the source of the problem, which caused difficulties for operations without the necessary resources to conduct the repairs.

Now, a specially-trained WearCheck technician with a diagnostic toolkit can be called on-site to investigate, identify and evaluate problems.

Technical support consultant for WearCheck, Herman Geldenhuys, who developed the troubleshooting toolkit, explains, ‘Typical customer reactions to problematic reports were: “What do we do? How do we do it? We don't have the skills - the tools - the knowledge - we need help!”  The mobile troubleshooting clinic evolved in response to these calls for help.

‘Our on-site diagnostic equipment identifies symptoms such as blow-by, low oil pressure, coolant leaks, crank shaft float, exhaust pressures and abnormal operating temperatures. An evaluation report then equips the customer’s technicians to isolate and rectify the faults.’

Geldenhuys believes the new service has additional benefits. ‘Prior to purchasing pre-owned equipment, WearCheck’s mobile troubleshooter can test, evaluate and verify the quality of the unit.

‘Furthermore, the troubleshooting service can determine the necessity (or not) of conducting costly periodic machine overhauls or re-builds.

Says Geldenhuys, ‘Sometimes, customers do not gain the true potential savings of an effective oil analysis program due to skills or equipment shortage. The new mobile troubleshooting service aims to address this, and take traditional diagnostic oil analysis to the next level by extending condition monitoring to incorporate an on-site repair dimension.’

For more information, please visit, or call WearCheck on (011) 392-6322 or Herman Geldenhuys on 083 628-9404.

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