Wednesday, 28 November 2018 07:13

Condition-based monitoring of tap changers

The role played by on-load tap changers (OLTCs) in power generation is a critical one, which requires that they perform at their peak output during operation and unscheduled failure is avoided at all costs.

Regular maintenance coupled with condition monitoring such as oil analysis is now recognised as essential to help avoid unplanned outages for OLTCs. One of the key predictive maintenance tests that is conducted is DGA (dissolved gas analysis).

Technical Bulletin 66 unpacks the fine points of DGA, discusses the interpretation of results and what action to take when different amounts and ratios of various gases are present.

Three interesting case studies are discussed, in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of DGA in OLTCs.

To learn more about this proven reliability improvement technique that is summarised clearly by WearCheck’s transformer division manager Ian Gray - please view Technical Bulletin 66: Condition-based assessment of on-load tap changers. Here’s the direct link:

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