Monday, 26 November 2018 12:21

WearCheck Welcomes New Faces

WearCheck welcomes new faces

Accounting, Thabani…
Thabani Dlamini is WearCheck’s accounts assistant and holds a BTech degree in cost management accounting. He is currently studying for his certificate in CIMA.

Before joining the WearCheck family at the end of 2017, Thabani served as finance assistant at a medical company.

At WearCheck, he is responsible for many accounting processes, including processing invoices, controlling manual delivery notes, updating credit limits and more.

Thabani works in a slightly unusual situation, as he is currently the only man in a department of six ladies!

Capturing, Bianca…
Bianca Louw recently joined the WearCheck family as the data capturer at the WSL (WearCheck Specialty Lab). She is primarily responsible for uploading data from samples that have been tested in the lab onto Giza, the computer software that manages the database.

Bianca, who is currently in the process of completing her diploma in analytical chemistry, began her career as a junior quality technician for an international coffee processing company before joining WearCheck.

We welcome both to Team WearCheck.

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