Tuesday, 02 October 2018 08:20

Rowan retires

Diagnostician Rowan Maartens has retired after serving at WearCheck for 36 years.

Rowan’s career began in 1982, when he joined WearCheck as a diagnostician. He diagnosed an impressive 2,5 million used oil samples in the three and a half decades he was with the company.

In 2014, Rowan reach the 2 000 000 samples milestone, which placed him among the top few diagnosticians in the world, if not the first person ever, with this incredible number of diagnoses to his name. Now THAT is impressive.

Managing director Neil Robinson wished Rowan well. ‘Thank you, Rowan, for your loyal service to WearCheck and our customers, and also to the condition monitoring industry.’

Rowan plans to spend his golden years enjoying his free time.



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