Tuesday, 19 September 2017 17:34

Budding scientists visit WearCheck

36 grade 11 pupils from Curro Grantleigh High School in Richards Bay recently visited WearCheck’s Pinetown laboratory to further their studies in chemistry by learning about condition monitoring.

The students were hosted by WearCheck technical manager Steven Lumley, who explained the workings of the main laboratory to them. They also heard a presentation on oil analysis by diagnostician Quinton Verster and toured the mini-laboratory, witnessed science experiments, learned about important safety procedures and visited the outbuildings where waste oil and other fluids are processed according to the company’s strict environmental standards.

Grantleigh teacher Andrew Meintjies reported that the science learners really benefited from the visit. ‘It was really important for the students to see how the theory that they are learning at school is being applied and just how relevant it is to industry/society today.’


Grade 11 students from Curro Grantleigh High School in Richards Bay travelled a long way to learn about condition monitoring at WearCheck recently. Here, staff and students gather outside the company’s Pinetown branch.


Field and lab technician Shashay Rampersad of WearCheck demonstrates some of the wet chemistry performed on aircraft oil filters in the mini-lab in Pinetown, to a group of Richards Bay learners from Curro Grantleigh High School, on a recent visit.


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