Friday, 21 July 2017 09:09

A first for WearCheck

Dennis Swanepoel of WearCheck’s reliability solutions division has just made history when he became the very first Master Vibration Analyst in South Africa after he met all certification requirements, and also passed his CAT IV exam recently held through the Mobius Institute in South Africa - with flying colours, to boot.

As a Master Vibration Analyst, Dennis is qualified to lead condition monitoring teams, and has deep insight into the dynamics and failure modes of machines. He can design tests to solve complicated problems, and no rotating machine problem is too difficult for him to solve. In short, with his qualification, Dennis carries the highest regard in the field of machine condition monitoring.

The Mobius Cat IV course covered advanced measurement signal processing techniques, torsional vibration and cross-channel measurements, dynamics including mass/stiffness/damping and natural frequencies, modal analysis and operating deflection shapes, orbit and centreline analysis, rotor dynamics, correction techniques including isolation, damping, and tuned absorbers, and other advanced topics.

Dennis, you have done WearCheck proud… huge congratulations, we are extremely proud of you!


WearCheck runs a wide selection of training courses. For more info and a training timetable, please click here

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