Thursday, 23 March 2017 14:08

WearCheck Training. Africa & Beyond.

Ghana, Zimbabwe
WearCheck training manager Ashley Mayer conducts oil analysis courses for South African customers as well as those in exotic locations. Recently, he travelled to West Africa and Zimbabwe to offer training courses.


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Ashley Mayer (front row under banner, blue shirt) is seen with African Mining Services delegates who attended an oil analysis course at a mine site in Zimbabwe recently.

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Workers from AngloGold’s Ashanti site at Iduapriem in Ghana listen attentively to WearCheck training manager Ashley Mayer.

Abu Dhabi, Dubai
Steven Lumley, WearCheck technical manager, travelled to the Middle East to attend a conference and to run some training courses for customers in the region.  She conducted a training course for employees of the NDC (National Drilling Corporation) of Abu Dhabi, and a course for Al Shirawi employees in Dubai.



Steven Lumley talks delegates through water contamination and oil analysis in Abu Dhabi recently.

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Steven Lumley conducted oil analysis training for delegates of Al Shirawi in Dubai recently. She is pictured here (third from right) with some of her students.

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